Project Manager for the Project:
Jereme Gobin
Quil Ceda Village
Utilities Manager
8802 27th Ave. NE
Tulalip, WA 98271-9694
Project Description
This Request for Proposal is for Quil Ceda Village Administration Building Sewer lateral project contract. The following outline of services to be provided is not a complete listing of services. The Contractor selected shall be responsible for providing all necessary equipment, tool and project scope experience. During preconstruction the Contractor shall actively participate as a member of the project team with the Owners representative.
The Contractor will work collaboratively and proactively with the Owner to proceed with scheduling, of the Work in a manner which supports the Owner’s efforts to keep costs within the Owner’s budget. The contractor shall provide services, including but not limited to:
- The Quil Ceda Village Administration Building Sewer Lateral Project includes diameter gravity sewer lateral and 6-inch-diameter gravity sewer lateral installation of 4- inch-.
- The project also includes construction of one sewer manhole drop inlet
Four sewer cleanouts
- Connection to existing sewer laterals
- Decommissioning existing underground septic tanks between the Administration Building and Tulalip Data Services Building
- Miscellaneous gravity sewer lateral appurtenances, trench, and landscape
- Restoration to existing or better condition
- The disconnection of the existing septic and reconnection to the new gravity sewer shall occur during weekend hours. No interruption of the Administration Building or Tulalip Data Services Building utilities during working hours is allowed.