Project Description:
The Consolidated Borough of Quil Ceda Village is soliciting bids from qualified contractors with the equipment, experience, and resources necessary to perform the work for the QCV 19th Ave Water Distribution Phase 1 project. The work includes construction of approximately 2160 linear feet of restrained 18-inch-diameter Class 52 Ductile Iron pipe and associated fittings, approximately 1200 linear feet gravel road, and two culvert crossings. Construction will begin at the QCV Utilities Department Pump Station, continue east along Magazine Rd to the intersection of 105th St NE and 27th Ave NE, and connect to the existing 18-inch water main. The project takes place within a wetland and wetland buffer area, so bidders should familiarize themselves with the area and conditions.
Please contact Jereme Gobin, Utilities Superintendent at for site visit information.