Christina Parker
Transportation Department Manager
Tulalip Tribes of Washington
116th St NE Job Shack
11404 - 34th Avenue NE
Tulalip, WA 98271-9694
Project Description:
The Hermosa Roads project will include pavement rehabilitation of the existing streets, removal of
an existing gravel roadway, installation of an asphalt pavement roadway and installation of a PVC
water main. The project is located on the Tulalip Reservation.
Schedule A – Hermosa Roads work includes but is not limited to full depth pavement and subgrade
replacement and utility and monument cover adjustments on 42nd Drive NW, 78th Place NW,
79th Place NW, and Shelton Gross Road with sidewalk, curb and gutter, curb ramps, and drainage
improvements. Work also includes associated channelization, signing, and surface restoration in
accordance with these Specifications and the Plans.
Schedule B – Water system improvements work includes but is not limited to trench excavation, potholing, trench shoring, installation of pipe zone bedding, approximately 700 linear feet of 8-inch and 2,500 linear feet of 6-inch C900 PVC water main and appurtenances, four fire hydrants, 29 1-inch services, seven 2-inch services, four connections to existing water mains, and trench backfill. Work also includes disinfection, pressure and bacteriological testing of the water main prior to connection to existing.
Schedule C – Water system improvements work includes but is not limited to trench excavation, potholing, trench shoring, installation of pipe zone bedding, approximately 1,600 linear feet of 10-inch, 80 linear feet of 8-inch and 90 linear feet of 6-inch C900 PVC water main and appurtenances, four fire hydrants, 13 connections to existing water mains, connection to existing PRV station and trench backfill. Work also includes disinfection, pressure and bacteriological testing of the water main prior to connection to existing and asphalt restoration including replacing pavement markings.
Schedule D – Water system improvements work includes but is not limited to trench excavation, potholing, trench shoring, installation of pipe zone bedding, approximately 800 linear feet of 10-inch and 20 linear feet of 8-inch C900 PVC water main and appurtenances, four connections to existing water mains, reconnect existing water services and trench backfill. Work also includes disinfection, pressure and bacteriological testing of the water main prior to connection to existing and asphalt restoration including replacing pavement markings.